In 1994 in Cambridge MA, founding musicians Mark Irwin and Theresa Thompson (also a psychotherapist) planted the seed for Tunefoolery - musicians in mental health recovery who play and practice together, and perform for others. From four musicians and 15 performances in year one, Tunefoolery plays 700+ concerts a year, and is over 60 members strong.

30th Anniversary concert
2024 marks our 30th anniversary, and the Longwood Symphony Orchestra’s upcoming concert on December 7th - featuring the amazing Australian guitarist brothers Ziggy & Miles - is a benefit for Tunefoolery and will be an evening to remember. To learn how to attend this musical celebration and support Tunefoolery in the process, visit the concert website to purchase tickets.
Tunefoolery is grateful to our sponsors for this event!
Linda Chin
Eastern Bank Foundation
Jack Eiferman and Fern Fisher
Alison Roberts and Theo Forbath
Weiqun (Rachel) Yang and Haoming (Harry) Huang